Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish where we can post our top ten bookish things of the week. This week's theme is "Top Ten Characters You'd Like To Check in With."
So basically, this is one of the coolest themes ever and I'm so excited. The following list is characters from books that I'd like to see where their life is after the story's finished. It's hard to narrow down the list but here's to trying!
- Magnus Bane and Alec Lightwood from The Mortal Instruments series by Cassandra Clare. These two were my favourites and while I know there will be a few novellas featuring them, but I would still love to read a full ten-book series about them,
- Ben and Pete from Right Here Waiting by K.E. Belledonne. These two are one of my favourite contemporary couples. I really just wanted Right Here Waiting to be 400 pages long so I could read more about them.
- Naila from Written in the Stars by Aisha Saeed. Written in the Stars is a story that touched me so much and I would really like to see more of her life after everything happens with her family.
- Chloe from Something Real by Heather Demetrios. I loved Chloe's story. It would be great to see her life after she left her family/the show. How she's adjusting to life in college, etc..
- Kaelyn from The Fallen World trilogy by Megan Crewe. The Worlds We Make (book 3) ended almost right on the climax of the story. I would have liked to see how Kaelyn and Leo and everyone else fared after all the action happened. Where did they go? Did they get back to Meredith? I just want more of these books I love them so much.
- Gabe and Lea from A Little Something Different by Sandy Hall. This book is so beautifully written, and Gabe and Lea were super cute. I could read another book on them. One from their point of view this time would be so cool.
- Craig from It's Kind of a Funny Story by Ned Vizzini. IKoaFS is one of my favourite books and Craig is such a great character. I would love to see him five, ten years after the end of the book to see how he's doing in his life.
- Veronica from Vintage Veronica by Erica S. Perl. Veronica is one of those characters that I connected with on a personal level so seeing more of her (or even characters like her) would be lovely.
- Haven Moore from The Eternal Ones duology by Kirsten Miller. This is one of my fave series ever. More Haven! More Beau! More everything!
- Oliver and Hadley from The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight by Jennifer E. Smith. This was such a cute story, I'd love seeing more of these cuties.
That's my top ten Tuesday list! What characters would you like to check in with? Leave a comment below!