Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and Bookish where we can post lists of our top ten bookish things of the week. This week's theme is "Top Ten Books for Readers Who Like Cute Love Stories"
I missed last week's Top Ten Tuesday and I feel terrible about it! But school was just so crazy. I'm back now and I'm in the mood for a good dose of cute love stories in my books. So here are the top ten love stories that I've read.
1. Magnus and Alec from The Mortal Instruments series by Cassandra Clare. My ultimate ship. I could go on, and on, and on about how much I adore Malec.
2. Karou and Akiva & Mik and Zuzanna from the Daughter of Smoke and Bone series by Laini Taylor. These are two of my fave book couples ever. They're so adorable!
3. Greg and Thomas from Sotto Voce by Erin Finnegan. These two started off disliking each other. That dislike quickly turned into like which in turn turned into love and the progress from point A to B to C was just so adorable and amazing to read.
4. Dorian and Celaena from the Throne of Glass series by Sarah J. Maas. I know it's most likely not going to happen but I love Dorian and Celaena and my heart will always be with them.
5. Blue and Noah from The Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater. This is more of a bromance, but Blue and Noah are just super adorable. I had to put them here. (Ronan and Adam also get a special mention, especially if that actually happens in the fourth book)
6. Haley and Oliver from The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight by Jennifer E. Smith. I read TSPoLaFS in a day because I just really, really wanted to see how their story ended.
7. Gabe and Lea from A Little Something Different by Sandy Hall. The premise of this book was just so unique and I loved Gabe and Lea so much.
8. Len and Veronica from Vintage Veronica by Erica S. Perl. I have a soft spot for awesome plus-size lady protags, which is what made me pick up Vintage Veronica in the first place and it's one of my favourite novels. I loved how Veronica found a guy who really loves her and is a sweet dork. This novel is amazing all around and V and Len are super, super cute.
9. Darcy and Imogen from Afterworlds by Scott Westerfeld. I started reading Afterworlds with no knowledge that there would be an awesome lady couple and I was so, so pleased to see that there was! Plus they were super adorable.
10. Matt and Benny & Patrick and Chloe from Something Real by Heather Demetrios. What I loved about these couples were that Matt and Patrick were so supportive of Chloe and Benny's situation. They supported them, they helped them through it all where lots of other people would've ran the other way. They were super great boyfriends for the siblings, exactly what they needed throughout the book.
That's my top ten Tuesday for the week! What are your favourite bookish relationships? Leave a comment below!